Burgers On Big Green Egg Direct Or Indirect Method (Answered)

When it comes to cooking the perfect burger on your Big Green Egg, the debate often centers around whether to use the direct or indirect grilling method. 

Both approaches have their advantages and drawbacks, and the choice ultimately comes down to personal preference and the desired outcome.

Today I will explore the differences between cooking burgers on a Big Green Egg using the direct and indirect grilling methods, and provide some tips on how to achieve mouth-watering results with either technique. 

Whether you’re a seasoned grilling pro or a newcomer to the Big Green Egg scene, this guide will help you unlock the full potential of your grill and take your burger game to the next level.

Burgers Big Green Egg Direct Or Indirect – Know What You Want 

The direct method involves cooking the burgers directly over the flames, while the indirect method involves cooking the burgers next to the flames, with a heat deflector or drip pan in between.

If you prefer your burgers with a crusty exterior and juicy center, the direct grilling method is a great option. This method allows for quick cooking at high temperatures, which can result in a flavorful sear on the outside of the burger. 

However, it’s important to keep a close eye on the burgers when using this method, as they can easily overcook or burn if left unattended for too long.

On the other hand, the indirect grilling method can be a good choice if you prefer your burgers to be more evenly cooked throughout. This method allows for longer, slower cooking at lower temperatures, which can result in a more evenly cooked burger with a more consistent texture. 

Additionally, the indirect method can be a good option if you’re cooking multiple burgers at once, as it allows you to cook them all at the same time without worrying about hot spots or flare-ups.

Ultimately, the choice between the direct and indirect grilling methods comes down to personal preference and the desired outcome. 

Both methods can produce delicious burgers on a Big Green Egg, so it’s worth experimenting with both to see which one works best for you.

Also Read: How To Make Rotisserie Chicken On Big Green Egg?

How To Cook Burgers On A Big Green Egg Using Direct Method

When it comes to cooking burgers, the Big Green Egg’s direct grilling method is a great way to achieve a juicy, flavorful patty with a deliciously crusty exterior.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to cook burgers using the direct method:

Step 1: Preheat your grill

Before you start cooking, you’ll need to preheat your Big Green Egg to the desired temperature. For burgers, you’ll want to aim for a temperature of around 400-450°F (204-232°C). 

To achieve this, light your charcoal and let it burn until it’s fully lit and covered with white ash. Then, open the vents on the bottom of the grill and the daisy wheel on the top to allow air to circulate and regulate the temperature.

Step 2: Prepare your burgers

While your grill is preheating, it’s time to prepare your burgers. Season your ground beef with your preferred burger seasonings, being careful not to overwork the meat. Form the meat into patties that are about 1/2-inch thick, making sure not to pack the meat too tightly.

Step 3: Sear your burgers

Once your grill has reached the desired temperature, it’s time to start cooking. Place your burgers directly on the grill grates and close the lid. 

Cook for about 2-3 minutes on each side, or until a crust has formed on the outside of the burger and the internal temperature has reached 160°F (71°C). Be careful not to overcook the burgers, as they can dry out quickly if left on the grill for too long.

Step 4: Rest and serve

Once your burgers are cooked to your liking, remove them from the grill and let them rest for a few minutes before serving. This will allow the juices to redistribute throughout the meat, resulting in a more tender and juicy burger. Serve with your favorite toppings and enjoy!

By following these simple steps, you’ll be able to create mouthwatering burgers that will impress your family and friends. So fire up your Big Green Egg, and get ready to grill up the best burgers you’ve ever tasted!

Big Green Egg Temperature Chart For Cooking Burgers 

It’s important to note that the USDA recommends cooking ground beef to a minimum internal temperature of 160°F (71°C) to ensure that any harmful bacteria have been killed. 

Here is the chart you should follow – 

Doneness LevelInternal TemperatureCooking Time (Approx.)
Rare120-125°F (49-52°C)4-5 minutes per side
Medium Rare130-135°F (54-57°C)5-6 minutes per side
Medium140-145°F (60-63°C)6-7 minutes per side
Medium Well150-155°F (66-68°C)7-8 minutes per side
Well Done160°F (71°C) or above8-9 minutes per side

However, personal preferences for doneness may vary, so use this chart as a general guide and always check the internal temperature of your burgers with a meat thermometer before serving. Happy grilling!

The Advantages Of Using The Direct and Indirect Method For Cooking Burgers

Before we dive into the advantages of the direct method, let’s briefly review what it entails. The direct method involves cooking the burgers directly over the heat source, without any barriers or obstructions between the burgers and the flames. 

This results in a quicker cooking time and a delicious char on the outside of the burgers.

Advantages of the Direct Method

Quicker cooking time: Since the burgers are in direct contact with the heat source, they cook faster than when using the indirect method. This makes the direct method a great option for those who want to cook burgers quickly, especially when entertaining guests.

Enhanced flavor: The direct method allows the burgers to develop a delicious sear and char on the outside, which enhances their flavor and adds a smoky aroma that can only be achieved by cooking on a Big Green Egg.

Customizable temperature: With the direct method, you have more control over the temperature of your grill, allowing you to adjust the heat to your desired level of doneness. This means you can achieve a perfect medium-rare or well-done burger every time.

Advantages of the Indirect Method

Even cooking: The indirect method ensures that the burgers cook evenly, without any hot spots or overcooked areas. This is especially important when cooking thicker burgers or when using leaner meat that can dry out quickly.

Reduced flare-ups: Since the burgers are not in direct contact with the flames, there is less chance of flare-ups that can burn the outside of the burgers and leave them undercooked on the inside.

Versatility: The indirect method allows you to cook a variety of foods on your Big Green Egg at the same time, using different temperature zones and cooking times. This means you can cook burgers, vegetables, and even desserts all on the same grill.

DirectQuicker cooking time 
Enhanced flavor
Customizable temperature
Uneven cooking
Increased risk of flare-ups and burning 
Limited versatility
Even cooking
Reduced flare-ups
Longer cooking time
Less char on the outside of the burgers

As you can see, the direct method offers a quicker cooking time and enhanced flavor due to the direct contact with the flames, but it can also result in uneven cooking, increased risk of flare-ups and burning, and limited versatility. 

On the other hand, the indirect method provides even cooking, reduced flare-ups, and the ability to cook multiple foods at once, but it can result in longer cooking times and less char on the outside of the burgers.

Should The Big Green Egg Vents Be Open When Grilling Burgers?

Yes, the Big Green Egg vents should be open when grilling burgers, regardless of whether you’re using the direct or indirect method. The vents are a crucial component of the Big Green Egg’s temperature control system, as they allow air to flow through the grill and regulate the temperature.

When grilling burgers, you’ll want to keep the bottom vent open to allow for airflow, and adjust the top vent to control the temperature. 

The amount of airflow you need will depend on the cooking method you’re using and the desired temperature. Generally speaking, the more you open the vents, the higher the temperature will be inside the grill.

It’s important to keep a close eye on the temperature of your Big Green Egg while grilling burgers, as it can have a significant impact on the cooking time and the final product. 

Use a Digital Meat Thermometer to ensure that the burgers are cooked to the appropriate internal temperature, and adjust the vents as needed to maintain the desired temperature.

How Long Do You Cook Burgers On Indirect Heat In Big Green Egg?

The cooking time for burgers using indirect heat depends on several factors, including the thickness of the burgers, the desired level of doneness, and the temperature of the grill. 

As a general guideline, burgers cooked on indirect heat typically take 20-30 minutes to cook, but it’s important to use a meat thermometer to check for doneness.

How Long Do Burgers Take At 180 Degrees?

If you’re cooking burgers at 180 degrees Fahrenheit (82 degrees Celsius), it will take longer to cook than at higher temperatures. At this low temperature, it’s likely that the burgers will take 45 minutes to an hour to cook to the appropriate internal temperature.

It’s important to note that cooking burgers at such a low temperature can result in the burgers being dry and less flavorful, as well as increasing the risk of foodborne illness. 

It’s recommended to cook burgers at a higher temperature, such as 350-375°F (175-190°C), to ensure a safe internal temperature and better flavor and texture. 

Use a meat thermometer to ensure the burgers reach an internal temperature of 160°F (71°C) for medium doneness, 165°F (74°C) for medium-well, and 170°F (77°C) for well done.


It’s important to note that personal preferences may vary, and the indirect method may be a better option for those who prefer a slower, more even cooking process. Experiment with both methods to find your perfect burger recipe, and enjoy the delicious flavors and aromas that the Big Green Egg has to offer.